Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back To Blogging! :D

Yeah, I slacked on this thing. But that should come as no surprise. Anywho, I'm not gonna try to fill in for missing time, for those of you who know me or if we're friends on Facebook, then you're already aware of the recent happenings in my life...

Anywho, I just wanted to share an occurrence from today that got me thinkin'...

So I was just looking through news things online trying to find something interesting to read, when I came across a story that I'm really glad I read. Now, I'm not too big into stalking the royal family or anything, and I wasn't dying to watch William and Kate's wedding, so when I came across a story with Kate's name in the title, I wasn't overly intrigued, but then I saw the picture of her hugging a young girl that was next to the title, so I decided to read it. It was about this 6 year old cancer patient who had a wish to meet a princess, and how Kate took the time to talk to her for a minute. (You can read the story for a better description if you wish here I don't know, I guess something about that whole thing just kind of said something to me. I guess I appreciate the time Kate took to spend with her and seeing something positive in the news for once. And also something that's worthwhile to read (right next to this story was something about Robert Pattinson cutting his hair. Really? Why is the relevant or important? At all. But whatever) I suppose it was just refreshing to see someone do something nice for someone else for once. There's just so much negative that's constantly going on around us, it seems as though sometimes we forget what love and compassion are, and that was a nice reminder that there is good in the world. Just look at the pictures from the story and look at the smile on the little girls face, you can't tell me that's not one of the most precious things you've ever seen. To see a six year old who's gone through so much, smile like that, is just great. I wish the best for her.

It's the smallest things that can make all the difference, we never know what simple act could change a life. Maybe, just maybe, if we spent a little more time loving and caring, and a little less time caught up in the negative and frivolous things of the world, we'd all be a little bit happier.

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