Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving :D

Just as a disclaimer, I do realize how cliche this is, but I'm gonna do it anyway!

Being down in Cedar City at SUU, has given me a chance to really realize what all that I am thankful for. And I've also realized, that is a very long list, and I couldn't possibly even fit everything on here, nor have the time to do so. But I am extremely grateful for all that I have been blessed with, and I'm even more grateful for all the amazing people in my life. All my "stuff" can only get me so far, but I really just don't know where'd I'd be without certain people in my life. My friends and family that kept me (and still do keep me) going through everything. I've also realized that every person I have met has had some sort of impact on my life, in some way, and that's something I'm thankful for. Both the good and bad. Because even the people who didn't necessarily help me so much, still taught me very valuabe lessons, and I'm only here to learn.

I think we should all take some time everyday to think of the things we are thankful for, just so we don't lose perspective. But, if not, today is the perfect day to sit down and just think about it all, because even those of us who seem to have harder lives, are still very blessed in some way [[:

Another thing I'm grateful for? This break from school [[: It's only Thursday and I'm already having so much fun not being in my classes and spending time with the people I miss [: It's been great!!!!
And something to look forward to, only one more week of class, then finals week, the Christmas Break!!! Although...I'm still not totally sure what I'm gonna do in Payson for a month now. But we'll see [:

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